
Middleware hook into the request lifecycle of your application.

They are a set of functions executed in sequence and let you transform the request and/or the response.

As an example, Coast provides several middleware functions inside of the app function.

Creating Middleware

To create a new middleware, Coast's convention is to define a ring middleware function in the src/middleware.clj file

(ns middleware
  (:require [coast]))

(defn auth [handler]
  (fn [request]
    (if (some? (:session request))
      (handler request)
      (coast/unauthorized "No"))))

In the example auth middleware, we want to show a 401 unauthorized response if there is no session

Middleware Execution Order

When your middleware function gets called, you can modify the request or the response like this:

(defn your-middleware [handler]
  (fn [request]
    ; request == {:request-method :get :uri "/" :headers {} :params {}}
    (let [request (merge request {:hello "world"})
          response (handler request)]
      ; response == {:status 200 :body "" :headers {"content-type" "text/html"}}
      (assoc response :status 404))))

All middleware referenced "below" your handler function modifies the request before your function and then it modifies the response after your function is called.

In fact, while coast is a "web app framework", the app function is really just made up of a series of ring middleware, like this:

Route Middleware

Route middleware can modify the request before the functions you write and modify the response map after.

Even 404's are middleware functions that come from (coast/site).

Coast calls one function on every route defined underneath site:

(def routes
    (coast/with-layout :layout-fn
      [:get "/posts" :post/index]
      [:post "/posts" :post/create])))


This function wraps the routes underneath it in csrf protection, sessions, cookies and flash messages.


This function wraps all of the routes below it in the layout function defined which takes two arguments, the request and the response from your handler function

Middleware Options

Coast can receive several options to the various middleware functions.

(coast/app {:storage "/path/to/your/files"})

Those two are the most common keys that coast can be configured with:


This is the path to where user uploaded files can be served from, so you might want to put this in an environment variable and reference it if you need to store user uploaded things.


The session key can be modified from coast/site like so:

(coast/site {:session {:cookie-attrs {:max-age 2629800}}}
  [:get "/" ::index])

There are multiple keys you can pass to the :session key, but cookie-attrs is the most common one. You can adjust how long a given person can stay logged into your site, the cookies' name in their browsers, anything about the ring session cookie store, really.