
Routes enable the outside world to interact with your app via URLs.

Routes are defined inside of the src/routes.clj file.

Basic Routing

The most basic route definition requires an http method, a url and a "pointer" to a function:

; src/routes.clj
(ns routes
  (:require [coast]))

(defn home [request])
  {:status 200 :body "hello world!" :headers {"content-type" "text/html"}}

(def routes
    [:get "/" ::home]))

The return value of the function will be sent back to the client as a response.

You'll mostly be "binding" a route to a function using a :namespace/function signature:

[:get "/" :post/index]

The above keyword :post/index refers to the src/post.clj file's index function.

Available Router Methods

Resourceful routes use different HTTP verbs to indicate the type of request:

[:get url :qualified/keyword]
[:post url :qualified/keyword]
[:put url :qualified/keyword]
[:patch url :qualified/keyword]
[:delete url :qualified/keyword]

Route Parameters

Route parameters are defined like so:

(defn view [{:keys [params]}])
  {:status 200
   :body (str "post " (:id params))}

[:get "/posts/:id" ::view]

In the example above, :id is a route parameter.

Its value is then retrieved via the :params keyword.

Named Route

Though routes are defined inside the src/routes.clj file, they are referenced everywhere else in the application (e.g. using the url-for route helper to make a URL for a given route).

By using the last element of the vector, you can assign your route a unique name:

[:get "/posts" :post/index :posts]

This will enable you to use route helpers in your code, like so:

; before
[:a {:href "/posts"} "List of posts"]

; after
[:a {:href (url-for :posts)} "List of posts"]

; you can also call the original name of the function as well
[:a {:href (url-for :post/index)} "List of posts"]
; src/post.clj
(ns post
  (:require [coast]))

(defn index [request]
  (coast/redirect-to :posts))

; or more verbose

(defn index [request]
  (coast/redirect (coast/url-for :posts))

Both route helpers share the same signature and accept an optional parameters map as their second argument:

[:get "/posts/:id" :post/view :post]

(url-for :post {:id 1})

(redirect-to :post {:id 1})

Namespaced keywords are supported as well

[:get "/authors/:author-id/posts/:id" :post/view]

(url-for :post/view {:author/id 1 :id 2})

(redirect-to :post/view {:author/id 1 :id 2})

; or you can use the exact parameter name with a - instead of a /
(url-for :post/view {:author-id 1 :id 2})

Query Parameters

Anything you pass to url-for or redirect-to that isn't defined as a route parameter will be appended as a query parameter

[:get "/posts/:post-id/comments/:id/edit" :comment/edit]

(url-for :comment/edit {:post/id 1 :id 2 :all true}) ; => "/post/1/comment/2/edit?all=true"

Route Responses

Routes don't have to just respond with hiccup vectors, they can also respond with a map which overrides any layouts or the coast default of rendering with html.

(defn json [request]
  {:status 200 :body {:message "ok"} :headers {"content-type" "application/json"}}) ; this responds with json

(defn json [request]
  (coast/ok {:message "ok"} :json)) ; same as above, but shorter

  [:get "/" ::json)])

You can define separate routes for an api and a site:

(ns your-app
  (:require [coast]))

(def routes
    ; this route corresponds to the src/site/home.clj index function
      [:get "/" :home/index :site.home/index])

    ; these routes correspond to the src/api/home.clj index and status functions
      [:get "/api" :api.home/index]
      [:get "/api/status" :api.home/status])))

(def app (coast/app {:routes routes}))

Coast uses a different set of middleware functions when responding to an api request vs a site request.

The api routes do not check for layouts and a host of other things, making them lighter-weight than their site counterparts.

Route Resources

You will often create resourceful routes to do CRUD operations on a resource.

resource assigns CRUD routes to a namespace using a single line of code:

; This...
[:resource :post]

; ...equates to this:
[:get    "/posts"          :post/index]
[:get    "/posts/build"    :post/build]
[:post   "/posts"          :post/create]
[:get    "/posts/:id"      :post/view]
[:get    "/posts/:id/edit" :post/edit]
[:put    "/posts/:id"      :post/change]
[:delete "/posts/:id"      :post/delete]

NOTE: This feature is only available when binding routes to a namespace.

Filtering Resources

You can limit the routes assigned by the resource method by using the except or only keywords


Removes GET resource/create and GET resource/:id/edit routes:

; src/routes.clj
[:resource :post :except [:create :edit])


Keeps only the passed routes:

; src/routes.clj
[:resource :post :only [:index :view])

Resource Middleware

You can wrap middleware around any resource as you would with a single route:

; src/routes.clj
(ns routes
  (:require [coast]))

(defn auth [handler]
  (fn [request]
    (if (some? (:session request))
      (handler request)
      (coast/unauthorized [:h1 "HAL9000 says, \"Sorry Dave, I can't let you do that\""]))))

(coast/with auth
  [:resource :post]))

Route Prefixes

If your application routes share common urls, instead of repeating the same urls for each route, you can prefix them like so:

; no prefix
[:get "/api/v1/members" :api.v1.members/index]
[:post "/api/v1/members" :api.v1.members/create]

; with prefix
(coast/prefix-routes "/api/v1"
  [:get "/members"]
  [:post "/members"])


Assign one or many middleware to the route group:

(coast/with auth
  (coast/prefix-routes "/api/v1"
    [:get "/members"
    [:post "/members"]]))

NOTE: Route middleware executes after app middleware during the request and before app middleware during the response.

Route middleware also executes from top to bottom:

(ns routes
  (:require [coast]

(def routes
    (coast/with middleware/set-title
      (coast/with-layout :components/layout
        [:get "/" :home/index]
        [:get "/docs" :home/docs]
        [:get "/docs/" :home/doc]
        [:get "/screencast" :home/screencast]

        [:get "/sign-up" :member/build]
        [:post "/members" :member/create]
        [:get "/sign-in" :session/build]
        [:post "/sessions" :session/create]

        [:resource :invite :only [:build :create]]

        (coast/with middleware/auth
          [:get "/dashboard" :home/dashboard]
          [:delete "/sessions" :session/delete]
          [:resource :member :except [:index :view :build :create]]
          [:resource :invite :except [:index :view :build :create]]
          [:resource :post :only [:build :create :edit :change :delete]]
          [:put "/invite/:invite-id/approve" :invite/approve])

        [:resource :post :only [:view :index]]))

    [:404 :home/not-found]
    [:500 :home/server-error]))

In this example (from the coast docs site), the route middleware executes in this order:

  1. coast/site <– this wraps the routes in ring defaults functions for html returning routes
  2. middleware/set-title
  3. components/layout
  4. middleware/auth